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Suggestion Therapy


I use suggestion therapy for problems such as Fears and Phobias, Nail Biting, help with Exam Pressure, etc. Suggestion Therapy requires 3/4 sessions max.

Analytical Therapy

Analytical therapy is a therapy I use for issues, such as Anxiety, Addictions, Compulsions, and for other issues where emotional and psychological factors are involved.


When working with clients,  for example, to help them with weight loss, that requires, as a rule one session, but if it is the case that, your over eating is as a result of an emotional and psychological reason, then it is essential that we uncover and resolve this issue, other wise we are only dealing with the symptom and not the issue that caused your weight gain.

During therapy I will help you to discover the root cause of your issue or symptom ie., something inside of you, but out of your control is causing your issue or symptom. So during analysis we reveal the cause of your issue, and consequently remove your symptoms.

This doctrine is called cause and effect. Analytical therapy usually requires eight to ten sessions, with the release of your symptoms, usually occuring around session eight. With these cases you are talking about a complete and lasting release from your symptoms for you by finding and removing the originating causes.   

I must stress that to ensure your issue is resolved completely for you after therapy, that during the free introductory consultation, I  take a very detailed in take form, to get a clear understanding of your issue.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a therapy that is used to help you to understand how your negative or destructive thoughts influence your behaviour.
The under lying concept behind Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, is that out thoughts and feelings play a fundamental role in our behaviour patterns.
If for example, you had the thought or thoughts that "I'm unlovable" "I'm always wrong" etc. these thoughts over time will affect your belief system, and thus your life, and life choices.

During the course of therapy you will learn how these negative thought patterns originated, and identify and change these negative thought patterns and behaviours, into a positive mindset for yourself.

During therapy, I may use a combination of the above therapies, this again is based on which therapy is best suited to you.

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